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February 19, 2008


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I know this is not the first writer who said that Shaq was/is the next Jordan, but I agree wholeheartedly.

The key differences, as far as I'm concerned is that Shaq is far more entertaining - and that he embraced the role of entertainer (both comedian and clown).

Also, Shaq let us in further than Mike. Shaq showed/shows us how vulnerable he is - by actually claiming how great and invincible and dominant he is. He shows how slighted he feels and how fragile he is.

Lastly, he didn't sell shoes very well. Big man issue? I don't know, but I do think a lot of regular fans won't remember individual issues of Air Jordans but will remember Shaq's mobile phone shoe.

I have absolutely no idea how his Phoenix career will turn out, but I still hope he somehow crushes San Antonio and meets Kobe in the WCF.

Jose Capablanca

Phoenix sun's needs someone like vince carter a slasher and an outside shooter, they need a "go to" guy who can make something happens .

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